发布时间:2023-10-12 17:41:24
(来源:文章屋网 )
《山居四要》主张居处宜洁净,卧床宜高,并认为有些木料不宜作用于建屋,门口不宜有水坑,大树不宜当门。随着四季气候的变化,居处还应作相应的改变。如春季居室宜渐开放,使空气流通,但夜间仍须防避风寒。夏月宜防曝晒’宜降室温,常通风。《保生月录》中还说: “夏月坐冷石成疝,坐日晒热石生疮,勿枕冷石并铁物,损头目”。此外须注意不要坐卧潮湿处,因冷湿入脉可致腰膝疼痛、腹满泄泻等疾病。秋季由热渐凉,且燥气较胜,室内宜保持一定的温度和湿度。冬月虽然应注意防寒,但室内亦不宜太热。巾医认为,冬时天寒,阳气内藏,易生郁热,若炙衣重裘,向火醉酒,则阳太盛,至春夏之交,就容易发生时行热病,这是冬天不善于保阴的缘故。老年人身体虚弱,《尊生八笺》说老人“宜居处密室,温暖衣食,调其饮食,适其寒温,不可冒触于寒风”。《山居四要》中说:“老人患风湿脚气腰痛者,宜作暖炕宿卧。”还说:“行路劳倦骨疼宜得暖炕睡。”古人还主张:“夏月不可用水展席,冬月不可以火焙衣,二班甚快一时,后口疾作不浅。老人衰迈,冬月畏寒,可以锡造汤婆注热水,用布囊包以避湿,先时拥被团簇,临睡甚暖,又可温足,且远火气。”明代医学家汪绮石制定了“八防”的起居原则是:“容防风,又防寒,夏防暑热,又防因署取凉,长夏防湿,秋防燥,冬防寒,又防风。
【Abstract】ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of the sea bath therapy in the health care and prevention and treatment of diseases. MethodsThe flotage, the pressure, the massage effect and the trace elements of the sea into the human body through skin were investigated.The effects on physiology and pathology were studied. Results The sea bath in coast sanitariums could increase the health of the recuperators. Conclusion The sea bath can increase the health and the double benefits of the sanitariums.
【Key words】 Sea bath;Sanitarium;Health care
放射性同位素研究结果表明[5],一般情况下,机体浸入海水中,在20 min 内,机体表面就会形成一层黏膜,使人体有“滑腻”的感觉。这层黏膜主要是由生物、化学元素组成的,附着在体表面上,形成离子层。海水中的元素离子不断通过该层膜扩散,渗透到皮肤表面。有的可附着于体表,通过对皮肤的刺激,发挥作用;有的元素,如氯化钠、重碳酸盐和铁、铜、锌、钙、镁、锰、钡、钴、碘、砷等通过皮肤进入体内,影响着人体的生理或病理活动。
烟台疗养院处于渤、黄海连接之处,有丰富的海洋资源。自建院以来,疗养院的医务人员一直对自然疗养因子进行探讨、挖掘。海水浴疗法作为疗养的重要内容在疗养院中实施了20多年,建立了一套完整规范的制度。烟台适宜的海水浴时间是每年的7~10月份,进行海水浴的疗养员必须经过全面体检,经治医师要严格掌握海水浴的适应证与禁忌证,对适合海水浴的疗养人员发给准浴证。浴前在体疗医师的指导下进行充分的肢体活动,浴中有海上救护队巡逻,有医务人员跟队保健,浴后要用淡水冲洗身体。每次20~60 min,以不感觉疲劳为宜。实践证明,应用海水疗法的疗养员,疗养期结束时的健康状况经心电图、化验等辅助检查有明显改善,且自我感觉良好,对促进健康效果明显,得到了广大疗养员的喜爱。
2戴蓉,郑芳,林玲,等.海水浴体疗操对老年Ⅱ型糖尿病患者的心脏康复作用.心血管康复医学杂志,2004,13(5): 413-415
3刘秀珍,韩峭青,黄景仁,等.海水浴体疗操对老年冠心病患者PTCA术后左室功能的影响.中华物理医学与康复 杂志,2002,24(12):719-720
【Abstract】According to the Chinese Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Planning (2010-2030), the continuous loss of genetic resources becomes one of three thorny issues threatening biodiversity conservation in China, which highlights the significance of genetic diversity monitoring plan in the future. After both Standard for the Assessment of Regional Biodiversity (HJ623-2011) and Regulation for the Collection of Genetic Resources (HJ628-2011) come into force, identification and collection of genetic resources becomes essential in biodiversity assessment projects. This review summarizes the front application of both cytological marker and DNA molecular marker techniques to distinguish plant varieties, and consequently the feasibility of large-scale application of DNA marker technique on future biodiversity monitoring and assessment projects is discussed.
【Key words】Biodiversity; Cytological marker; DNA molecular marker
0 Introduction
As one of three layers of biodiversity, which includes ecosystem, species and genetics, genetic diversity is the diversity of genetic factors that determine the traits of organisms and their combinations, so that becomes the basis of species and ecosystem diversity [1]. It is inevitable for a species of poor genetic diversity to move towards the extinction in natural selection process [2].
After a series of environmental policy has been worked out by centre government of China, such as Chinese Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Planning (2010-2030), Standard for the Assessment of Regional Biodiversity (HJ623-2011) and Regulation for the Collection of Genetic Resources (HJ628-2011), it is essential for environmental engineers to include genetic diversity in biodiversity monitoring and assessment projects, and collection and identification of genetic resources in the nature definitely becomes the first step of this work. In present, identification of plant varieties mainly relies on the biological traits of plants[3], which are susceptible to environmental conditions and time-consuming when those biological traits are artificially cultivated and observed in experiment land [4]. However, the development of DNA marker technology provides a quicker and more accurate solution for environmental engineers to distinguish different sub-populations of a plant species in the nature, particularly when identification of economic traits is not essential in biodiversity assessment work. This review summarizes both cytological marker and DNA molecular marker for the differentiation of plant cultivars in recent years.
1 Cytological Marker
Due to its high stability and reproducibility, karyotype becomes one of the unique chromosome information to distinguish different species, populations of the same species and to identify the hybrids. Karyotype parameters, mainly including the absolute length and relative length of chromosome, arm ratio, centromere index, chromosome ploidy and asymmetry index, are frequently analyzed by botanists to study the variation in chromosome number and structure between species, the origin of species and the genetic evolution[4].
1.1 Traditional squash technique
Zhang etc [5] analyzed karyotype of three Fritillari thunbergii cultivars based on traditional squash technique. The karyotype formula of F. thunbergii (Xiaye, Kuanye, Duozi) varied among three varieties, indicating the feasibility of genetic identification of Fritillari thunbergii cultivars. The karyotype of all the varieties were classified into 3B type, and heterozygosity of homologous chromosome were found in both F. thunbergii(Xiaye) and F. thunbergii(Duozi).
The karyotype of three diploid oat species was studied by Liu etc [6] with application of traditional squash technique. Both karyotype formula and asymmetry index of Avena strigosa, Avena hispanica, Avena brevis were calculated for comparison, revealing more advanced evolution in karyotype for A.strigosa, followed by A.a brevis and A.hispanica. Three diploid oat species were effectively distinguished by a combination of both karyotype formula and asymmetry index.
The traditional slice-making method with micrograph technology was adopted by Dai etc[7] to study the cytology basis for cultivar identification of Secale cereale subsp.segetale. Three populations of Secale cereale subsp.segetale(89R4, 89R14, 89R60) and one variety Secale cereale L.(H36) were selected to conduct karyotype analysis. Karyorype formulae, asymmetry index and asymmetrical karyotype coefficient were provided and compared among these varieties in this research, which showed rich diversity in chromosome morphology.
Traditional squashing method was adopted by Liu etc[8] to analyze the karyotype of 7 R.hybrida cultivars and 5 R.rugosa cultivars. According to the results, all the R.hybrida cultivars were tetraloid (2n=4x=28), except that R.hybrida ‘Elmshorn’ was triploid (2n=3x=21), while all the 5 R.rugosa cultivars were diploid (2n=2x=14). A number of karyotype parameters, including karyotype formula, chromosome relative length, ratio of the longest chromosome to the shortest one in length, arm ratio, asymmetry index and centromere index, were interpreted as biomarkers for identification of varieties and correspondingly the genetic distance was analyzed, revealing that distinct differences in both karyotype and ploidy levels existed between R.hybrida and R.rugosa cultivars and R.rugosa cultivars appeared to be more advanced in karyotype evolution.
21 cultivars’ karyotype of ornamental Ginkgo was studied by Gao etc [9] with smear method. The karyotype of all cultivars was reported to be identical, and the relative length of chromosome varied from 4.31% to 15.34% for the female cultivars, as well as 4.37% to 17.12% for the male. For approximately 83.33% of all the varieties in this research, the arm ratio of chromosome was above 2:1, which belonged to asymmetric 3B type. Cluster analysis was conducted on the basis of karyotype calculation, showing that the mean arm ratio or length ratio of ornamental Ginkgo cultivars was significantly different from original Ginkgo Biloba, and consequently the originality, evolution and classification of these cultivars were discussed.
In total 6 varieties of Hippophae Rhamnoides L. were selected by Li etc[10] to analyze karyotype characteristics of chromosomes, including 4 strains from Russia and 2 strains from China. Karyotype formula, asymmetry index, centromere index and ratio of the longest chromosome to the shortest one in length were compared and contrasted between these varieties, providing the basis for the identification and evolutionary analysis of Hippophae Rhamnoides L. varieties. According to the asymmetry index, six of these cultivars were classified into middle centromere or sub-middle centromere, with karyotype types as 2A or 2B.
40 typical and stable varieties of Chinese large-flowered chrysanthemum were chosen to carry out cytological karyotype analysis for investigation of genetic differences[11]. 1-4 satellite chromosome(s) were reported in approximately 35% of the cultivars, with increasing possibility of satellite chromosome when chromosome number increased. The karyotypes of these varieties were summarized as 2A, 2B and 2C, and types 2A and 2C were more likely to appear in the cultivars with higher ploidy. The interrelationship of karyotype parameters including long-/short-arm ratio, asymmetry coefficient of karyotypes, karyotype asymmetry index and relative length of chromosomes were discussed in this research, indicating great values of karyotype parameters for cultivar identification, classification and genetic evolution analysis for chrysanthemums species. The relationship of karyotype parameters towards phenotypic characters was also examined, revealing that the variation of long-/short-arm ratio and asymmetry coefficient of karyotypes led to highest relevance to most phenotypic characters.
Wild Rosa species, which are broadly found in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region of China, possess many important unknown economic traits. Yu etc[12] collected karyological data from 13 samples of seven wild Rosa taxa (R. berberifolia, two botanical varieties of R. spinosissima, R. platyacantha, R. beggeriana, R. acicularis, and R. laxa), which were easily distinguished by karyotype parameters of chromosome ploidy, asymmetry index, centromere index, and distribution of relative lengths. The karyological data provided comprehensive cytogenetic resource to analyze the taxonomy, evolution and speciation in the genus Rosa as well as to identify suitable cultivars for breeding programs.
1.2 Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique
Fluorescence binding technology with fluorescent dyes, which are capable of revealing AT or GC DNA sequences on chromosomes, can distinguish different types of heterochromatin on the chromosomes. For example, DAPI (4',6-diamino-2-pheny- lindole dihydrochloride) results in the appearance of AT rich region on chromosomes, whereas CMA (Chromomycin A3) can reveal the GC rich region [13]. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique provides the accurate mapping information of rDNA probes on the chromosome, which becomes the more effective markers to distinguish chromosomes of plants [14]. She etc [15] analyzed the mitotic metaphase chromosomes of Arachis hypogaea L. species by using a combination of DAPI+ banding technology and double fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique with both 5S and 45S rDNA probes. On the basis of the chromosome measurements, DAPI+ bands and rDNA FISH signals, the chromosomes of Arachis hypogaea L. were accurately paired and arranged, leading to a molecular cytogenetic karyotype in detail.
However, DAPI banding patterns varies between different plant species. Xu etc[16] compared DAPI fluorescent banding patterns among different plant species, indicating that fluorescent bands were obviously observed in maize and peanut species, followed by sesame and loofah whose DAPI bands were relatively weaker. However, no clear DAPI bands could be identified in soybean chromosomes.
2 DNA Molecular Marker
DNA molecular marker technologies for plant variety identification mainly include RFLP, RAPD,ISSR,AFLP,SNP and SSR. However, the ranking of these molecular marker techniques based on comprehensive effectiveness is AFLP>SSR>RAPD>RFLP, which has been internationally recognized in the 92th ASHS conference[17]. This review summarizes the recent development of both SSR and AFLP marker technology for variety differentiation.
2.1 SSR marker
EST-SSR molecular marker technique was conducted by Zhao etc [18] to identify 12 Chinese cabbage cultivars. Based on expressed sequence tags(ESTs)of Chinese cabbage in GenBank, 30 pairs of screened SSR primers were designed and synthesized, resulting in 21 pairs of EST-SSR primers which were effectively amplified, but only 10 pairs of EST-SSR primers were highly polymorphic. According to the identification results and the mapping difference, 10 pairs of primers with high polymorphism were designed as 2 sets of multiplex EST-SSR markers to distinguish these 12 Chinese cabbage varieties, with satisfactory polymorphic rate of 88.9% and 97.0% respectively, as well as high polymorphism information content of 0.910%.
Lai etc[19] selected 26 inbred lines and 54 test varieties for the examination of distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) of these varieties by adopting SSR markers. 49 pairs of SSR primers were screened from 952 pairs in total, based on the criteria of richness of polymorphism information content (PIC), the clearness of PCR bands and convenience of different allele identification. 49 pairs of SSR primers led to 57 loci with 311 alleles identified in total. The average number of alleles per locus was 5.5, ranging from 2 to 13, with a mean PIC of 0.53. Cluster analysis showed that all test varieties were clearly distinguished by 49 markers when the genetic similarity coefficient was set as 0.93.
In order to provide robust reference for the identification of barley varieties and avoid counterfeit and inferior varieties, Wang etc [20] selected 29 barley standard varieties and genetic diversity was analyzed by DUS testing. 28 pairs of highly polymorphic SSR primers were chosen, leading to 125 alleles measured in total. Each pair of polymorphic primers detected an average of 4.46 alleles, with polymorphism information content (PIC) varying from 0.81 to 0.25 and an average PIC of 0.62 among 28 pairs.
The specificity and stability of 123 representative rice varieties were analyzed by Tian ect[21] based on SSR fingerprinting profiles, and the value of SSR core markers chosen in this study was examined. 24 pairs of primers detected 138 alleles in total, with 12 loci detected in single cultivar and 21 loci successfully distinguishing japonica and indica rice varieties. On the basis of genetic similarity coefficient set as 0.96 for the classification, all tested varieties showed their unique specificity by cluster analysis, which indicated that 24 pairs of SSR core primers was able to effectively identify 123 varieties of rice.
2.2 AFLP marker
Six pairs of AFLP primers with rich polymorphism were screened by Li etc[22] to conduct fingerprinting analysis on two Chinese cabbage samples (label 587 and 586) as well as a standard sample. Euclidean distances coefficient of each sample was estimated, indicating that distinct difference was found between the sample 587 and standard sample, with the polymorphism band rate of 31.7%. Consequently variety 587 was identified as a different variety from the standard sample. In comparison, variety 586 showed consistent PCR bands with the standard sample, which was consequently identified as the same variety as the standard sample. This research demonstrated that AFLP was capable of providing reliable differentiation technology for plant cultivars.
In total 14 samples of eight varieties and six wild populations of Toxicodendron vernicifluum from Shaanxi were chosen by Wei etc [23] for the development of variety identification technique. Both morphological and AFLP molecular markers were examined with 26 morphological character indexes and 8 AFLP primers (EcoRⅠ+3/MseⅠ+3). Multivariate statistic analysis was conducted on morphological markers, resulting in 3 principle component index (PCI). The fist PCI included the ratio of petal and anther, length to width of the fifth lobular, the length and diameter of filament; the second PCI covered the length of compound leaf and petiole of compound leaf, the numbers of leaflet, the fifth lobular, and the top lobular; and the third PCI were the top lobular and the vertex angle of the fifth lobular, which respectively contributed to 30.383%, 19.321% and 13.777% of variance in morphology of 14 varieties. Further more, molecular markers of 8 AFLP primers (EcoRⅠ+3/MseⅠ+3) also completely distinguish 14 cultivars, in consistence with morphological markers.
Wen etc[24] tried to distinguish 26 jujube cultivars and 1 sour jujube by adopting fluorescent-labeled AFLP markers. 8 AFLP primer pairs were chosen, leading to 886 AFLP markers identified in total. Among these AFLP markers, 112 markers were identified as unique bands for specific varieties, whereas 60 markers were deletion bands for specific varieties, leading to effective identification of jujube cultivars.
Song etc[25] chosen 90 cultivars of Chinese cabbages from 7 different production areas, and developed fingerprinting technique based on AFLP markers for the identification. In total 20 pairs of AFLP primers were designed to examine the genetic polymorphism of these cultivars, and AFLP primers varied broadly in terms of differentiation capacity of Chinese cabbage varieties. The number of polymorphic bands that were detected by AFLP primers differed from 9 to 32. A combination of primers (E-ACA/M-CTG) resulted in 71 amplified bands, including 32 polymorphic bands, which effectively distinguished all of the 90 varieties. In comparison, the genetic polymorphism between individuals of the same variety was also examined by AFLP marker technique. Two hybrid cultivars (Beijingxin 2 and Jingxiawang) of Chinese cabbage were selected and 10 individuals were chosen from each cultivar. The AFLP bands showed consistence between individuals of the same variety, except that one of Beijingxin 2 differed from the others.
2.3 Capillary electrophoresis with fluorescence detection
Compared with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver staining technique, capillary electrophoresis with fluorescence detection method is more automated and programmed. The system software of capillary electrophoresis with fluorescence detection is able to calibrate the differences between capillary electrophoresis, and reduce the artificial and systematic errors, which consequently improves the stability and repeatability of variety identification tests [26]. Feng etc[3] screened 58 SSR primers to identify 14 Poplar varieties by application of capillary electrophoresis with fluorescence detection, which included 4 varieties of Populus deltoids, 5 varieties of Populus nigra (including 3 transgenic varieties) and 4 hybrid varieties. The results showed that the 4 varieties of P. deltoids, 5 varieties of P. nigra, and 4 hybrid varieties were effectively identified by 4 primers, 5 primers, and 4 primers respectively, with significant difference observed at the SSR loci between P. deltoides and P. nigra. Different SSR genotypes were also identified between the transgenic and non-transgenic varieties.
3 Conclusion and Implication for Biodiversity Monitoring and Assessment
In comparison to the DNA molecular marker, cytological marker techniques result in less polymorphism for the sub-populations’ differentiation of a plant species, but obviously reduce the cost of this work, once biodiversity monitoring and assessment projects are implemented at large scale. Consequently, cytological marker would be more suitable as the main solution for environmental engineers to conduct genetic resource collection work, based on which DNA molecular marker would become a complementary solution. Capillary electrophoresis with fluorescence detection method certainly leads to higher accuracy and stability for identification tests. Nevertheless, the relatively cheaper facilities required by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver staining technique would be more acceptable in practice, which has been adopted by recent National Standards including Protocol of Purity Identification for Soybean Variety using-SSR Molecular Markers (NY/T 1788-2009), as well as Genuineness and Purity Verification of Potato Seed Tuber - SSR Molecular Marker (GB/T 28660-2012).
Collection and storage of sampling location information as well as photos of plant morphological characters are usually necessary for the genetic resource collection work as indicated by Regulation for the Collection of Genetic Resources (HJ628-2011), and GIS technology provides a supportive tool for the collection and storage of both location information and field sampling photos [27] in this process.
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